Saturday 25 April 2020

सिर्फ यह 5 आसान टिप्स आपको सबसे ज्यादा खूबसूरत और हैंडसम बना देंगे.

मेरे प्यारे दोस्तों और फॉलोअर्स को नमस्कार, एक बार फिर से मैं आप सभी का स्वागत करता हूँ अपने Uc मीडिया चैनल में, जहाँ आपको हर रोज़ मनोरंजक संबंधित लेख मिलेंगे। दोस्तों आपका मनोरंजन करने के लिए मैं एक और दिलचस्प लेख को शुरू करते हैं।

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1.यदि आप रोज सुबह 5 बजे उठकर व्यायाम करने की प्रक्रिया को आरंभ करते हैं और इसे अपनी दिनचर्या का शेडूल बनाते हैं तो आपका शरीर फिट हो जाएगा, साथ ही आपके चेहरे की चमक भी बढ़ जाएगी।

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2.यदि आप खूबसूरत और जवान देखना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आप रात के समय सोने से पहले अपने चेहरे पर गुलाबजल लगाकर सोए, ऐसा करने से सुबह तक आपके चेहरे पर ग्लो बना रहेगा, क्योंकि आपको हैंडसम दिखाने के लिए एक अच्छा उपाय है।

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3.यदि आप एक पुरुष हैं और हैंडसम दीखना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आप अपने कलेक्शन में ब्राउन, ब्लैक और वाइट कलर के शूज शामिल करें, इस तरह के शूज पहनने से आप का लुक स्टाइलिश और भी ज्यादा आकर्षक नजर आता है।

4.जब भी आप नहाए और अपने बालों को धोएं तो उससे पहले आप अपने बालों में तेल लगाएं, ऐसा करने से आपका एक स्टाइलिश नया लुक प्रभावशाली तरीके से सामने आएगा|

5. यदि आप स्मार्ट दीखना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आप सफेद रंग की शर्ट पहने और भूरे रंग की जींस के साथ भूरे रंग के जूते पहने ये लुक आपको काफी ज्यादा स्टाइलिश बना देगा, इसी तरह से आप अपने कलेक्शन में और भी कपड़े शामिल कर सकते हैं|

मेरे दोस्तों और अनुयायियों, उपरोक्त लेख पर आपके क्या विचार हैं? आप इनके बारे में क्या सोचते हैं? नीचे टिप्पणी अनुभाग के अपने मूल्यवान विचारों को साझा करने के लिए मत भूलना।

दोस्तों इस लेख के बारे में आप क्या कहते हैं मुझे इस पोस्ट के बारे में अपने जवाब और राय कमेंट बॉक्स में बताएं और इसे उन सभी के साथ साझा करें जिन्हें आप जानते हैं। रोजाना ऐसे ही रोचक लेख प्रकाशित करने के लिए हमारे चैनल को फॉलो करते रहें।

सांवले लड़के इन 3 आसान उपायों को कर लें, फिर दिखेंगे पहले से ज्यादा स्मार्ट

आजकल की बहुत व्यस्त दिनचर्या में अक्सर आपको अपनी त्वचा की देखभाल का समय मिल ही नहीं पाता होगा पर वातावरण में मौजूद धूल-मिट्टी, प्रदूषण यानी पलूशन के कण, बदलता मौसम ये सब अपना काम बिना रुके करते रहते हैं और आपकी त्वचा की रंगत गहरी होती जाती है। इसके साथ-साथ हम सभी अपने चेहरे के किसी न किसी हिस्से को लेकर असंतुष्ट रहते हैं और मौक़ा मिलते ही उसे सुधार लेना चाहते हैं। आपकी गोरा होने की इच्छा को ध्यान में रखते हुए हमने कुछ ऐसी आदतों पर ध्यान दिया है, जिन्हें रोज़ाना अपनाकर आप गोरा रंग पा सकती हैं। हम आपके लिए यहां गोरे होने के घरेलू नुस्खे भी दे रहे हैं, ताकि आप इनका इस्तेमाल कर अपनी त्वचा की रंगत को निखार सकें।

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1. चेहरे से कालेपन को हटाने के लिए बेसन, हल्दी और दही का मिश्रण बना लें। इसे चेहरे पर लगाकर स्क्रब करें। 15 मिनट तक सूखने के लिए छोड़ दें। बाद में पानी से चेहरा धो लें। इससे पोर्स अंदर से साफ होते हैं और चेहरा कुछ ही देर में गोरा दिखने लगता है।

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2. गोरी रंगत देने के अलावा यह एलर्जी और पिंपल को भी दूर करता है। पेस्ट बनाने के लिए चंदन पाउडर में 1 चम्मच नींबू और टमाटर का रस मिलाएं और पेस्ट को अपने चेहरे और गर्दन में अच्छी तरह से लगाकर थोड़ी देर बाद ठंडे पानी से धो लें।

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3. इसका इस्तेमाल काफी सारी बीमारियों में लाभ देने के लिए की जाती है। जैसे मुलेठी का जूस टैन और डार्कनेस को कम करता है। ये सूरज की वजह से खराब होने वाली त्वचा के लिए भी बेहद प्रभावी है। इसके रोज़ाना इस्तेमाल करने से आपकी त्वचा गोरी और चमकदार दिखती है। इसका प्रयोग करने के लिए सबसे पहले मुलेठी का जूस तैयार कर लें और रात को सोने से पहले जूस में रूई डुबाकर उसे अपनी त्वचा पर लगाएं और सो जाए। अगली सुबह त्वचा को गुनगुने पानी से धो लें। अच्छे परिणाम पाने के लिए इस उपाय को रोज़ाना किया जा सकता है।

Saturday 15 April 2017

Wednesday 5 October 2016

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Monday 18 July 2016

How To Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

At some point, we've all scoured the web for information having ended up with dozens of listings for a single key phrase. While a few of these are genuinely out there for information, the major chunk have an ulterior motive - marketing.
Web content peppered with links is nothing but a content marketing campaign. It is used by a large number of business owners to get word out about their business, providing some useful info to prospective customers simultaneously. However, managing a content marketing campaign is not as easy as write, publish and link. It involves some serious groundwork and we've discussed 6 tips to optimize it.
1. Set a goal -
What's the objective? The obvious answer is generating leads and sales. How are you going to achieve it? That's the real question.
The idea of using content marketing is to boost sales through creating awareness, engaging readers, improving loyalty and building relationships. Hence, aggressive promotions throughout will not help. Rather than a general goal, break up your content marketing strategy into smaller, specific and realistic goals.
2. Track and measure -
With your content marketing strategy up and running for a while, you need to track performance. Thus, the first thing to do is implement trackable strategies. Track the right metrics depending on your objectives. Some of the metrics you can measure include:
· The page views and documents accumulated
· The number of social media shares
· The social networks that bring the most traffic
· The number of consumers you have managed to convert into leads and actual sales
You can always change or delete content that is not aligned with your content marketing objectives.
3. Consumer-centric -
Target an audience. The marketing strategies you adopt should focus on the needs and requirements of your audience; otherwise they will fall flat. Use high-ranking keywords in your content, but add a human touch to it.
Speak to them as though you understand them. Provide information that they can use. Share your expertise in your content; you should sound like a voice of authority if you want to build credibility among your readers. Also, identify the factors that trigger purchase. Use and test the data from analytics to craft content. Test the content to see how it performs.
Do a bit of research on forums, social media sites and through personal interactions to see exactly what your targeted customers want.
4. Develop a road map -
Create a plan. This includes the type of content you will create, potential topics, the length of content you think appropriate, the frequency of content publication, how you will include your call-to-action and, the social media channels you will use. Flesh it out and document it. It will help you better understand the loopholes and where you need to improve.
5. Set yourself apart -
Every second business uses a content marketing strategy. If you want yours to really work, you need to do something different.
6. Don't forget Google -
Google keeps updating its algorithms; if you aren't on the same page with it, your content marketing campaign will fail. Your content won't rank high on search engines.
So, if there's anything you've been doing wrong or not doing, use these tips to improve your content marketing strategy.
For more tips on how to improve your content marketing strategy, click this link. You will learn everything from how to write articles that read like customer magnets to posting and publishing in the right to places, not to forget the pitfalls to avoid.

Know Your Seven Spiritual Chakras

The human body has an indiscernible replica which is considered as your spiritual body. This replica or clone of your body consists of a minute network of energy that is positioned almost two centimeters to five centimeters around your body. This spiritual body is linked to your physical body with seven major energy points known as "chakras".
The imperceptible Chakras are related to specific parts of your body and each one of them has its own specific qualities. Moreover, they perform different tasks and have their own unique color as well. The main function of chakras is to facilitate the flow of energy from your imperceptible body to your physical body. This energy is known as 'kundalini energy' or 'prana' which is essential for the proper functioning of various organs of your body. If this energy gets blocked or stops flowing owing to any painful memory of the past or any stress or trauma, soon your body starts malfunctioning, thus causing various mental and physical ailments. The chakras are responsible for keeping us energized and happy.
Technological advancement has no doubt, made our lives simpler and easier, but at the same time, it has been adding too much stress and anxiety to our lives. Therefore, in order to live a happy and healthy life, it is essential for you to take care of your chakras so as to ensure they are functioning properly. Here are the seven fundamental chakras that you should be aware of-
• Red Chakra or Root Chakra positioned at the base of your spine.
• Orange Chakra or Sacral Chakra situated on your navel.
• Yellow Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra located at the start of your breastbone
• Green Chakra or Heart Chakra positioned in your heart.
• Blue chakra or Throat Chakra present in your throat.
• Indigo Chakra or Third Eye Chakra situated between your two eyes.
• Violet Chakra or Crown Chakra positioned on the top of your head.
There are several things that you can do to clear your Chakras-
1. Get plenty of sleep.
2. Relax you body at regular intervals.
3. Try physical exercise.
4. Practice Yoga Asanas and deep breathing exercises.
5. Drink plenty of water regularly.
6. Indulge in healthy recreational activities.
7. Enjoy some time in solitude.
8. Learn to forgive.
9. Learn to accept rejected feelings instead of suppressing them.
10. Last but not least, always think positive, as negative thoughts are responsible for weakening the energy of your Root Chakra.
Besides this, aromatherapy, reiki healing techniques, listening to soothing music and wearing apparels of vibrant colors also play a significant role in stimulating your chakras.
These activities play a significant role in rejuvenating your chakras and keeping them healthy. When you take measures to awaken your chakras, your mind and body undergo significant transformation. Consequently, this revitalizes your body thus, bringing happiness and contentment to your busy life.

Using Gold As Stock Market Insurance

minority of the population understands that gold is a monetary asset that should be held as wealth insurance. A larger percentage of the population is confused about gold because of mainstream sources of information many people consider gold a risky investment when in fact gold bullion is not an investment of all a rather money itself just like any Fiat currency held in a vault, gold does not pay interest or dividends.
It is important to understand the role of gold as money in relation to Fiat currency. Governments and banks work hard to ensure that people remain confident in their debt backed paper currencies, and the economy in general. Financing is Wall Street's lifeblood, so it will always seek green shoots of recovery around the corner just as it did in 1929, 2000, and 2008. Consumer spending and bank lending is what keeps the Fiat shell game going and people do not borrow or spend when they feel uncertain about their financial future.
There are three essential characteristics of money: it must be a store of value; it must be accepted as a medium of exchange; and it must be a unit of account, meaning that it must be divisible in each unit must be equivalent. Fiat currency has failed as a store of value and it has no intrinsic worth. How much does it cost to type and zeros on the computer screen or on a piece of paper?
Certainly less than it does today a drill a mile into the earth and extract and refine 2 grams of gold from a ton of rock. The U.S. Federal Reserve was created in 1913. From its creation through to this day, the U.S. dollar has lost approximately 98% of its purchasing power. On the other hand, Gold has retained its purchasing power rising from around $21 an ounce in 1913 to $1,300 today. Through the ages, whether in Roman times, in 1913 or today, 1 ounce of gold has at least provided a man with a pair of shoes, a custom suit, and a briefcase, or the equivalent.
Gold as Stock Portfolio Insurance
Gold is the closest most negatively correlated asset to traditional financial assets such as stocks and bonds. Physical gold bullion should be a significant part of the strategic long-term allocation within a diversified portfolio. Wall Street pundits and the uneducated media regularly dismiss Gold, and other commodities as speculation, not to be owned for most investors. Do they know - or have taken any time - to research Gold's role in a portfolio; to dig into the numbers and important relationships?
We have looked at the Gold statistics over the past 40+ years, using publicly and historical information, and determined from the data that while Gold does not move in lock-step always to offset losses in stocks, it does show a very reliable pattern to mitigate losses in bad bear stock markets, and during times of high inflation. Your amount of assets in Gold should be your decision, based on your individual needs with your money; income needs, withdrawal rates, capital gains, liquidity, etc.
The Case for Gold Ownership 1972 - 2015
Note Golds surge after President Nixon took the U.S.A. off the Gold Standard in 1971, during which Gold's price was fixed at $35 an ounce. Stocks were entering a bear market, losing 40% during 1973 and 1974, while Gold skyrocketed almost 4 times in price, rising from $40 to $160.
Then a few years later, in 1978, we were hit with an Oil Embargo (remember gas rationing?), which started 4 years of high prices (inflation), which hurt the U.S. Dollar's purchasing power. From 1978 through 1981, inflation ramped up a combined 50%. Gold prices rose +135%.
Fast forward to the next major bear market, known as the DOT COM bust. This referred to the period at the turn of the century, 2000, where the Internet funding craze ramped up to unprecedented levels. Public offerings of Initial Public Offering shares in the technology sector met with wide-open pocketbooks with individual investors and institutions alike clamoring for ginormous profits. In the five years ending in 1999, when the DOT COM craze finally ended, stocks gained 228%, while Gold also rose 55%. Then when stocks fell about 40% in 2000-2002, Gold participated also and rose 18%.
Gold then began a 10 year rally, with no losing years starting in 2003, rising from $350 to $1,650 an ounce into late 2012. So far, investors, doesn't it looks like Gold is helping a portfolio including stocks, especially when the stock market is falling in bear markets?
The last period to measure is the 2007-2008 era real estate-led bear market in housing prices and financial assets, causing the stock market to lose half its value in a short 17 months. This should be in most of our minds, if you were an investor or saver 8 years ago.
Gold had its best year in 2007 (up 30%) since the late 70's, as it rose perhaps in anticipation of / and on the fears of the banking and lending fiasco that led up to the falling stock market.
During 2007-2009, stocks lost 15% in those calendar 3 years, while Gold gained $450 an ounce, or +70 percent.
Granted, the long term record also shows Gold's poor showing the past three years; being down sharply. Is this cause for concern? We feel the roughly 40% decline in Gold prices since 2013 are due to super low interest rates competing with the no-dividend paying precious yellow, and a decent stock market. Owning Gold through 2015 was a drag on your returns in a diversified portfolio. Stocks gained about 45% the past three years. That's a healthy clip.
The Bottom Line on Gold
So the take-away here is that Gold is reliable for mitigating losses when stocks are down sharply, and when Gold really tanks, stocks usually have a a great year (1975, '83, '91, '97, '13) or at least stocks provide a nice offset to Gold's lesser declines, in years 1976, '88, '89, '96, '98, '14, '15.
Could the economic uncertainty (Brexit vote) and renewed price gains in Gold this year, up $275 an ounce, or +26%, be a precursor to an even worse stock market ahead in the second half? We're not sure, but we are not selling our allocation to Gold for ourselves or our client accounts. Any geopolitical risks should only add to the demand for histories most popular and prescient precious metal, GOLD.
Is your financial advisor aware of the positive effects that alternative investments, gold, silver can have on your investment portfolio? For a complimentary review of your specific situation and goals, please contact us: Stetson Wealth Management, Fort Lauderdale Florida (954) 719 1151